Published on January 14, 2014 by

Study in Ukraine Promo Video

Study in Ukraine promo video, highlighting the benefits of university education in Ukraine.

A picture is said to convey more than a thousand words, but videos convey much more. The entire video is less than 1 minute but captures the most important benefits attracting international students to Ukraine for university education.

The video itself was not pre-planned, but just created on impulse, almost impromptu. In 2010 when it was created, it looked pretty awesome.

However, viewing it in 2016, it appears not so catchy, not the same kind of flair it had in 2010. However, it still continues to communicate the message. We’re excited to have created it, and it is a motivation to make more videos that will continue to deliver messages in years to come.

Hope you like it, and have fun…

Study in Ukraine Promo Video

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